Sleep Journal #1 – My Sleep Baseline, Oura Ring Stats and Sleep Stack

In today’s Sleep Hacker sleep journal entry, I share my current sleep baseline (it’s not great), a review of my Oura Ring stats from last night, factors that may have negatively impacted my sleep, my sleep stack of supplements and tools and the next steps I’ll be taking to (hopefully) improve my sleep tonight.

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Steve Steve
Steve Steve
1 year ago

The article begins with the author’s exploration of their own sleep baseline, discussing the importance of understanding individual sleep patterns and establishing a foundation for improvement. The author’s use of the Oura Ring, a sleep tracking device, adds a scientific element to their observations, allowing for data-driven insights into their sleep habits.

What impressed me about the article was the author’s transparency and willingness to share their sleep data and analysis. They provide detailed information about their sleep duration, quality, and various sleep stages, offering readers a glimpse into their sleep journey and the challenges they faced.

Furthermore, the article goes beyond mere data analysis and delves into the author’s experimentation with different sleep enhancement techniques, or what they refer to as their “Sleep Stack.” The inclusion of practical tips, such as adjusting sleep environment, incorporating relaxation techniques, and experimenting with supplements, adds value to the article and sparks ideas for readers looking to optimize their own sleep routines.

I appreciate the author’s balanced approach, acknowledging that sleep optimization is a continuous process that requires experimentation and adaptation. They encourage readers to listen to their bodies, make gradual changes, and find what works best for them individually.

Overall, “Sleep Journal #1: My Sleep Baseline, Oura Ring Stats, and Sleep Stack” is a well-written and informative article that provides valuable insights into the world of sleep optimization. Whether you’re someone looking to improve your own sleep habits or simply interested in the science behind sleep, this article offers practical tips, personal experiences, and data-driven analysis to help you on your journey to better sleep. I highly recommend giving it a read and exploring the subsequent entries in the sleep journal series.

Liam Tremblay
Liam Tremblay
1 year ago

Hi, most of the time I sleep well but, lately I had too many problems sleeping at night and I can not tolerate it any more. It’s good to see your post. Such a great idea that you shared this post and video. I watched your video. It was very useful. You mentioned practical items. Thank you so much. Thank you for sharing these tips and resources.

1 year ago

This is a very informative video. 

I had not heard of Oura Rings App nor experimented with sleep apps to track my sleep, but this looks like a wonderful product that many can benefit from. 

I have fortunately not experienced difficulty sleeping, and generally sleep very well, only needing to go to the bathroom twice per night, but generally fall asleep well and are undisturbed until I wake close to my alarm time. 

The time in bed is around 8 hours, and my sleep time would be very close to this. I have found that for me, exercising each day is essential, and keeping caffeine intake to what works for me is best. 

My wife had been having problems with sleep and heightened anxiety, so we experimented just with one factor at a time to see the effects this may have. We started with eliminating caffeine from her diet completely. The result, unbelievably great. 

I enjoyed listening to the types of factors that can contribute to healthy, or not so healthy sleep patterns. Such as ambient light, where you sleep, with or without your partner, room temperature etc. This is something that I think we all need to find what works best for us, and experiment with to find our optimal sleep environment. 

Thanks for sharing your video and time.